Saturday, December 25, 2010

our world bookmark!!

okay.. let say.. u didn't go anywhere.. and your favorite country is hurmm.. let say Paris.. so.. u really2 want to go.. but u can't go.. maybe because you are too busy.. or too young.. but u still can buy a bookmark don't you??

so we present you our world bookmark..(if some of your favorite country are not here.. just let us know!) hehe..

Sydney!! Opera House Bookmark!!
 AAAAA!! haha.. don't run away please.. because there is more bookmark!!

let say.. you love car.. and at Dubai.. there is Ferrari theme park.. but u can't go.. so u can buy the bookmark isn't it??

we present u.. our Ferrari them park BOOKMARK!!(what a big letter..)

I can see many triangle at here?? my post look like a triangle too!! OMG..
so if u are like that too.. we present u Pyramid bookmark!!

Co.. co.. co.. Colosseum Bookmark!!!

and.. I don't know u are Muslim or not.. but I know that I am a Muslim.. so we present u
Kaaba Bookmark!! Allahu Akbar!!! 

anyone like M'sia?? or u want me to sing.. haha..
Malaysia truly Asia!!! hehe.. wow!! now my voice is beautiful.. :P hehe...

Disingkap kembali sejarah!! dikisahkan pahit dan manismu.. kami mengambil segala Iktibar.. Ya Rasulullah!!
oppss.. please don't run away again!! hehe.. BTW that's malay song!! hehe.. 

we present u our Masjidil Aqsa bookmark!!!

I have to go to New.. New... New.. York!!! haha..
we present u New York bookmark!!
 lalalala... Paris, okay!! not Paris Hilton!! kuang3...

that's all.. thanks for visiting us.. why u just visit? u don't want to buy?? huhu.. very sad u know..
BTW all of it RM 1.00.. need more information?? leave us comment.. and again thanks y'all!! 

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